Porcelain Crown

porcelain crown

What is Porcelain Crown?

Porcelain crowning is a dental treatment that includes crowning of a tooth as supported from various areas by various porcelain materials that match the natural appearance of the tooth. With this treatment method, the gaps observed due to decays, missing teeth, or broken tooth or dental filling can be treated; or it can be used to correct the color and form problems in the natural appearance of the tooth, which may cause aesthetic worries, and in the Hollywood smile design procedures. It plays a significant role in prevention of the risks caused by the tissue losses of the teeth as well as recovery of the function losses caused by such tissue losses.

Which Procedures are Performed within the scope of Porcelain Crown Treatments?

The porcelain laminate veneers, empress crown, and zirconium crown procedures are the treatment methods we see in this area. These procedures have different features depending on the parameters such as the degree of enclosure of tooth, durability, and luminous transmittance. The ideal treatment to be preferred, on the other hand, is determined by evaluating primarily the parameters such as the location of the teeth, the amount of load imposed on the relevant teeth, the directions these loads come from, the person’s habits, and the amount and position of the substance loss in the teeth. Following this evaluation, the ideal treatment alternatives that meet the patient’s aesthetic expectations are offered to the patient, and the final treatment is determined through the joint decision of the dentist and the patient.

Porcelain Laminate Veneers

The porcelain laminate veneers can be defined as crowning treatments applied on the front face of the tooth only. It is a procedure that stands out for being a crowning treatment that requires the least abrasion of the dental tissue. In cases where the observed dental tissue loss is limited to the front face, or it is planned to change a healthy tooth for aesthetic purposes, this method is preferred frequently, as it preserves the dental tissue considerably. The porcelain laminate veneers can be used in case of minimal decay or fracture, to camouflage the changes in the teeth color, to eliminate the aesthetic worries caused by gapped teeth, or to correct crookedness of teeth that is not too severe.

Empress Crown

The material used in empress crowns is a form of ceramic material compatible with the natural dental tissue, which is strengthened by applying pressure. The empress crowns that are considerably more resistant to the forces applied to teeth and the abrasive forces thanks to this strengthening process also stand out with their superior aesthetic features. In the single tooth crowning processes, an ideal treatment that provides sufficient durability can be applied on both the front teeth and back teeth. Since its luminous transmittance and surface features are very similar with natural teeth, it is especially preferred frequently in planning of the form or color changes in the front teeth.

Zirconium Crown

Zirconium material is actually a white and rather rigid metal element. The cases where the relevant teeth are exposed to very high loads may require the durability and strength of a metal element. In such cases, the zirconium material allows crowning processes that provide sufficient durability without compromising on aesthetic appearance. Thanks to its high fracture resistance, the zirconium crown treatments are frequently preferred in the single tooth crowning of the back teeth, dental bridgework procedures, or when it is planned to make dental prosthesis for the patients who have teeth clenching or grinding problem. Thanks to its ability to provide high hiding power and durability simultaneously, it can be used in the prosthesis to be applied on the implant in the dental implant procedures. In addition to these cases, zirconium dental prosthesis may be needed to ensure sufficient hiding of the teeth with severe color change problems. It can also be preferred to close the gaps between teeth or provide an aesthetic appearance in case of minimal crookedness.

How is the Porcelain Crown Treatment Applied?

In the porcelain crown procedures, the duration of the treatment may vary by the method to be preferred, the number of the teeth to be treated, and the degree of damage to the teeth. In the first appointment, a detailed clinical and radiographic examination is made to evaluate the ideal treatment options for the person and determine the design features, and the necessary records are made. After analyzing these records, the dentist shares with the patient the appropriate treatment alternatives that can treat the functional losses ideally and meet the patient’s expectations in a detailed manner. After deciding on the method and design features, the treatment phase is started. In the treatment phase, first the design is tried on the tooth if the tooth is suitable for this. When the final design has been decided upon, the tooth surface is abraded as necessary to prepare the place for the prosthesis. In the preparation process of the permanent prosthesis, a temporary prosthesis is applied for the purposes of protecting the teeth and supporting the aesthetic appearance. When the permanent prosthesis is ready, its compatibility with the relevant tooth surface is checked, and when it becomes perfectly compatible with the teeth, the prosthesis is fixed on the teeth by using permanent adhesive.

Our clinic serves you with all the necessary equipment to carry out the porcelain crown treatments reliably and in high quality by using advanced technological equipment. It also offers you the organizations that will make the treatment processes more pleasant with the all-inclusive service understanding for our patients coming from abroad. You can also get an appointment from our clinic anytime you want easily and receive more detailed information on the treatment methods ideal for you from our specialist dentists.

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